Monti Monaco


Event location

Monti Monaco

Zenettistraße 11
Inside the Viehhof

80337 Munich

(089) 76 70 28 68


partly barrier-free

At a glance :
8:00 pm - 2:00 am o' clock: Delicious Groove Gourmets

Delicious Groove Gourmets

On offer: the finest in funk, profound soul, and danceable R&B. With influences from such legends as Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder and James Brown, out of “old” make new – with a shamelessly cool groove and the unbelievable power of the singer’s voice: Adriano Prestel, who also has Italian classics up his sleeve. The five-person band presents an evening in which nobody will be able to sit still. “Una grande Festa“ in the heart of Munich’s culture-quarter, the Schlachthofviertel!